Books Edited:
The Dog Beneath the Skin, by W. H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood (Princeton University Press, commissioned).
The Works of Tonino Guerra (Bloomsbury Academic, under contract).
Steve McQueen: Interviews (University Press of Mississippi, forthcoming).
Gaspar Noé: Interviews (University Press of Mississippi, 2024).
“T. S. Eliot and the Group Theatre,” in The Routledge Companion to Absurdist Literature, ed. Michael Y. Bennett (Routledge, 2024): 87–97.
Review of A Brave and Lovely Woman: Mamah Borthwick and Frank Lloyd Wright, by Mark Borthwick Middle West Review 10, no. 2 (2024): 246–48.
“Populism at the Oscars,” in Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century, ed. Joseph Chacko Chennattuserry, Madhumati Deshpande, and Paul Hong (Springer, 2023): 1–5.
Review of The Comedy of Errors, performed by Shakespeare’s Globe, directed by Sean Holmes Shakespeare Bulletin 41, no. 4 (2023): 633–36
Review of Ophelia, performed by Bread and Puppet Theater, directed by Peter Schumann Shakespeare Bulletin 41, no. 2 (2023): 281–85.
“Stillness and André Gregory’s Meyerhold,” Stanislavski Studies 10, no. 2 (2022): 187–94.
Review of Genetic Criticism: Tracing Creativity in Literature, by Dirk Van Hulle Textual Cultures 15, no. 2 (2022): 332–36.
“Unfinished Poetry,” with Matthew Aucoin, PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 44.2 (2022): 64–70.
Review of Yeats on Theatre, by Christopher Morash, Modern Drama 65, no. 2 (2022): 605–7.
Review of Yeats on Theatre, by Christopher Morash, Modern Drama 65.2 (2022): 605–7.
“Death and Country,” PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 43.3 (2021), 112-114.
“Pandemic and Speech Without Doors,” PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 43.2 (2021), 93-97.
“Cuckolds, Cucks, and Their Transgressions,” Porn Studies 6.2 (2019): 212-27.
“The Theatre of Andy Warhol: Pork in New York and London,” PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 41.1 (2019): 54-75.
“The Muslims Present Orgena,” TDR: The Drama Review 62.2 (2018): 78-96.
“Nicholas Mosley and Films for Not Acting,” Adaptation 11.1 (2018): 40-57.
“Du Bois’s Forgotten Plays,” African American Review 50.3 (2017): 309-19.